
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Numbness in the limbs

1.What Causes Numbness?
2.Numbness in the Feet
3.Numbness in the Hands
4.Causes Numbness During Pregnancy
5.Numbness in Children
6.How to Treat Numbness

What is Numbness?
Numbness is an abnormal sensation that can occur anywhere in the body, but is most commonly felt in the hands, feet, arms, or legs. Common symptoms include tingling and numbness in hands and feet, ranging from the harmless numbness you get when your fingers are too cold, to more serious conditions that require immediate medical attention, numbness is a fairly broad term.

Numbness is also often referred to in an emotional context to describe feelings of detachment or the lack of any emotional response, a symptom commonly associated with depression. In a physical context, numbness is generally as a result of damage, blood deprivation or disease of certain nerves in the body.

In addition, the body can also go through bouts of periodic numbness and tingling due to certain health issues such as anxiety or the onset of a migraine. During an anxiety attack breathing becomes shallow and sporadic and breathing in this manner can cause periods of numbness and tingling especially in the fingers and around the mouth. Also, numbness in the extremities, face or tongue is a very common sign that a migraine is well underway.

What Causes Numbness?
Numbness can have all kinds of different causes, as it is a symptom of many different ailments, diseases and conditions. A proper diagnosis is therefore crucial, so that you can treat the cause of the numbness rather than just treat the symptoms of numbness itself which include tingling and numbness in extremities.

It’s also important to take additional precautions as loss of sensation can lead to increased chances of accident and injury.

Possible Causes of Numbness
Underactive thyroid
Multiple sclerosis
Iron Deficiency
Poor Circulation or Lack of blood supply to the extremities - usually due to plaque buildup in the blood vessels or an inflammatory condition
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Anxiety and Depression
Complication from Diabetes, often called diabetic neuropathy
Side-effect of Cancer Radiation Treatment or Chemotherapy
Nerve Disorders or Damage. Injury to a nerve such as a neck or back injury may cause numbness in various areas of the body, most commonly along the arms or legs.
Certain Viral or Bacterial Infections
Post-Partum Swelling
Bug Bite
Head Injury
Side Effect of Certain Drugs or Medication
High Potassium Levels
Menstrual Period
Pressure on the spinal nerves, such as that due to a bad or slipped disk, often present in a type of numbness referred to as sciatica.
Tooth Infection
Toxicity in nerves, caused by toxins such as lead, alcohol or tobacco
A lack of vitamin B12 or other vitamin
Transient ischemic attack (TIA)
Abnormal levels of calcium, potassium, or sodium in the body
A lack of vitamin B12 or other vitamin
After-effects of some surgical procedures
Numbness in the Hands
Numbness in the hands is a sensation of loss of feelings in the hands, often referred to as "falling asleep". Symptoms of hand numbness are tingling, pins-and-needles, prickling sensations. Sleeping on your hands or holding your hands above your head for a long period of time will cause numbness in the hands.

Commonly hand numbness is caused by carpal tunnel syndrome, the compression of the median nerve traveling to the arms, hands, or fingers. Carpal tunnel syndrome was named for a ring of fibers, which surround the wrist which the nerves pass.

Carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms are tingling, burning, weakness, or sometimes sharp pain. Stretching the hands, massaging and even ice packs can help symptoms of carpal tunnel. Consult a doctor if this pain continues for more than one week.

Numbness in the Feet
Numbness in the feet is a loss of sensation or feeling in the feet, as a result of improper communication between the nerves and the central nervous system. Commonly foot numbness is attributed to a blood shortage in the foot. This occurs when someone is sitting cross-legged for an extended amount of time.

Getting up and walking around through the day can help to halt numbness in the feet. Extreme cases of foot numbness may be caused by nerve damage or even Lyme disease and should not be taken lightly-those with severe symptoms should seek medical attention.

Numbness in the Arms
Like hand numbness the symptoms of numbness in the arms can be attributed to the arms being held above the head, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Other causes of arm numbness are diabetes, exposure to cold and even injury.

Numbness in the arms can be as simple as a pinched nerve; however, when arm numbness is accompanied by tightness of the chest, shortness of breath, and nausea, it’s time to seek treatment.

Tingling feelings in the left arm, shortness of breath and discomfort in the chest are all signs of a heart attack- that is why it is important to note all the symptoms accompanying arm numbness.

Numbness in the Legs
Leg numbness can occur when an individual has been in the same seated or standing position for a long period of time. While most of the time leg numbness is a non-threatening condition it can be quite uncomfortable.

Some sufferers have a low back injury that causes numbness or tingling down the back of your leg. Sciatica is another cause for leg numbness; sciatica usually only affects one side of the body. Sciatica pain may be dull, sharp, burning, or accompanied by shooting pain.

Sciatic pain starts in the buttock and travels down into the back or side of the thigh and/or leg. Symptoms include tingling and numbness, stretching the back and cold packs can help to ease sciatica pain.

Causes of Numbness during Pregnancy
Pregnant women are faced with many body changes and for some, numbness is one of them. Some pregnant women develop carpal tunnel syndrome (the compression of the median nerve traveling to the arms, hands, or fingers) and is believed to be attributed to water retention.

As a baby develops and a woman retains more fluid in the body, body tissues swell and the median nerve compresses and causes carpal tunnel syndrome. The symptoms of carpal tunnel in pregnant women are the worst in the morning, due to the water accumulated overnight. Carpal tunnel usually corrects itself after the birthing process and the body stops retaining water.

Numbness in Children
There are many reasons why children experience numbness is different parts of their body. Nutritionally, a lack of vitamins or minerals can cause numbness in the lower limbs; this is especially true for vitamin B deficiencies. Along with poor nutrition, sports related injuries can also cause numbness and tingling in the body. Parents should monitor complaints of numbness or tingling that lasts for more than a few minutes in athletic children, this could be a sign of trauma to muscles, tendons or bones.

Childhood anxiety is another culprit of numbness. Many children who feel pressure from peers, school teachers or family members can suffer from anxiety and the physical symptoms such as numbness in the lips, face and extremities are very close to those of an adult.

How to Treat Numbness
In order to treat numbness, it is important to find the underlying cause. Whether due to poor circulation, diabetes, or multiple sclerosis, nature has a number of herbal and homeopathic remedies with ingredients to tackle both the underlying cause as well as the symptom itself. It is believed for example that homeopathic remedies may play an essential role in healing nerve damage.

Biochemic tissue salts such as Ferrum phosphoricum, Kalium phosphate and Magnesium phosphate can be of great assistance in healing nerve damage which is often the cause of numbness. These have been shown to assist in the nutritional needs of your brain and nerves, while promoting systemic balance in the entire nervous system.

Other herbs used for healing nerve damage are Matricaria recutita, Rosemary and Ginkgo biloba which address some of the underlying causes of numbness and act as a tonic for an allround healthy nervous system!

The statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this Web site or in emails is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your pediatrician or family doctor. Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your or your child’s condition.

Muscle pain

Muscle Pain

We’re so familiar with this type of pain that many of us don’t even take notice.

If you have ever suffered from any sort of muscle pain, then you know firsthand just how awful it can be.

You may have slept wrong, or perhaps have a recurring muscle problem.

You may have injured yourself during a favorite activity, or maybe you just seem to keep getting this pain out of nowhere.

It’s important to make a note of any patterns that indicate repeated muscle pain or an increase in intensity.

We will all go through some level of muscle pain, so it’s best to know how to control it.

If you are having recurrent muscle pain or if nothing seems to be of help, then it may be time to get some help.

Additionally if you are having this type of pain accompanied by other symptoms, it’s a good idea to seek medical attention.

A doctor can help you understand if this is a normal and common type of pain, or if there is an injury and something wrong.

In addition to medical treatment, you may also find that some healthy and natural ingredients work quite well.

Knowing which home remedies for muscle pain may provide you the best relief can come in handy, particularly when you need help with the pain quickly.

Home Remedies for Muscle Pain:

Ginger Supplement:
Scientific reports show ginger has two natural healing properties, and that makes it an excellent home remedy for muscle pain. Not only does ginger offer a nice dose of anti-inflammatory properties, but it also works as an effective pain reliever. Therefore turning to ginger in supplement form can be an excellent natural relief for any sort of muscle pain that you may be suffering from.

Epsom Salt:
What makes Epsom salt so effective is that it is made up of straight magnesium, and this is often what the body needs in times when you are experiencing muscle pain. Therefore using epsom salt to soak the injured area may work quite well as a home remedy. It’s best to put the Epsom salt in warm water and then soak the affected area to get the most relief from this remedy.

Arthcare Oil:
This particular supplement in oil form provides excellent relief from the pain sustained in an injury. In this instance, simply rubbing the arthcare oil on the site of the injury may work as a wonderful natural cure for muscle pain. Do this each night before bed and see how quickly this pain subsides.

Ice and Heat:
Webmd recommends indirect ice initially for immediate pain relief. And then using heat later to increase blood flow to the area.

Stomach ache remedy

How to Cure a Stomach Ache

A stomach ache is one of the more annoying things in life, especially when you have things to do. Here are some things you can do to get rid of them, while also being productive and saving time.

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Edit Steps

  1. 1
    Stop eating, it may be the cause. Lie upside down and relax.

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  2. 2
    Try taking Tums. They are a stomach pain relief medicine and are not prescription, ask your pharmacist/pediatrician.

Home Remedies

  1. 1
    Stretch slowly, breathe in and out at a certain pace. Drink carbonated beverages, like Sprite. Lean on a wall or face towards the wall, a burp may help, or even gas.
  2. 2
    Visit the toilet.
  3. 3
    Your feet must be at a higher level than the rest of your body. Try putting some pillows below your feet and the ache may go away.
  4. 4
    Take a shower. Showering can help soothe your stomach and make you feel less pain. Use mild soap and don't ingest it.
  5. 5
    Drink a herbal liquid which aids digestion such as ginger ale, or Aloe Vera Juice (an anti-parasitic that aids digestion). Similar herbal teas that help digestion include mint, ginger or chamomile tea. Coffee has caffeine and can make your stomach ache worse.
  6. 6
    Place a heating pad on your abdomen to give temporary pain relief.
  7. 7
    Lie down for an hour and relax. Don't do any activities even if you feel better. Make sure you feel better for good or you'll make yourself even more sick.
    • Place a cool moist washrag over your forehead and watch tv and just relax.
    • Breathe slowly and evenly, trying to keep your mind off of the pain.
    • Listen to some music if you get sleepy.
    • Enjoy a nice Ginger Beer/Ale - The ginger helps calm down the stomach!
    • Sip a glass of iced water slowly or warm/hot water.
    • Eat crackers or toast. Sometimes stomach aches are caused by too much acid floating around in your stomach with nothing to do. These foods will help absorb the acid to make things a little more comfortable.
    • Also, sipping a glass of water may help to dilute the acid in your stomach, if excess acid is the cause.
    • Avoid drinking milk. Although once commonly thought of as a "base", milk is in fact acidic (containing lactic acid). If the pain is caused by stomach acid, adding milk will in fact make it worse.
    • You may also just be hungry!
    • Lie on your left side for 5 minutes on a comfortable couch or bed to see whether it will allow you to burp. This is because the stomach is on the left side of the body and the esophagus enters the stomach on the right. So, the bubbles of gas can rise to that entry point and make a burp possible.
    • Drinking black coffee tends to aid the digestive process. (Sometimes it does the opposite though and can make the stomach ache worse.)
    • Try carbonated beverages such as ginger ale, carbonated mineral water, or tonic water (with quinine, it tastes good and it works!)
    • Place an ice cube above, on, or below your belly button and lie down. This may numb the pain temporarily.
    • Use a hot water bottle pressed to your abdomen, but be careful it's not too hot to burn you.
    • Try taking a warm bath and relaxing for a little bit in the tub.
    • Sit down comfortably and bring your knees up to your chest and stay like that for a minute or two. Slowly stretch your legs out after.

Over-The-Counter Medications

  1. 1
    Take over-the-counter medications like Gas-X to relieve the pressure from gas build up.
  2. 2
    Allow yourself to pass gas, even if you are in polite company. It may be somewhat embarrassing, but you do not want to become bloated or let the cramps become more serious and painful. Or, go into another room, such as the bathroom, to pass gas if you do not want to be embarrassed.
  3. 3
    Take a mild laxative to encourage a bowel movement for relief.
  4. 4
    Try Emetrol or Imodium to relieve cramps associated with diarrhea. Pepto Bismol may help some stomach related pains, along with other over the counter products. Check labels in the drug store or ask the pharmacist for their advice.
  5. 5
    Do not stop taking medication prescribed by your doctor. All medications should be taken unless the doctor indicates otherwise.


  1. 1
    Make note of any foods that may disagree with your digestion. Some people are not tolerant of various foods, so if you often suffer from stomach ache, keep a food diary and try to determine if there is any association with a certain food or group of foods and your stomach cramps.
    • Malunggay extract can prevent cramps and stomach pain in persons who are lactose intolerant. This includes cheese, milk, yogurt, milk shakes, milk chocolate, etc. Some people have issues with cheese, but may be tolerant of milk or vice versa.
    • Crush some malunggay leaves into some water.
    • Eating an excessive amount of non-soluble fiber may cause cramps associated with constipation.
    • Some people are sensitive to uncooked vegetables and fruits, particularly if the peels are not removed.
    • Avoid consuming harsh substances such as acidic pops, juices, alcohol, and spicy foods. If something is really wrong, these could irritate it and make it worse.
  2. 2
    Look into the possibility you suffer from Crohn's Syndrome or Irritable Bowel Syndrome and seek medical treatment if this is the case.
  3. 3
    Consider stress as a possible cause of stomach pain or cramps. If the condition coincides with stressful situations, try to avoid stress as much as possible, and look at learning stress management techniques.
  4. 4
    Realize anti-inflammatory medications (Advil, Aleve, Naprosin, etc), antibiotics, vitamins, birth control pills and many other medications can result in an upset stomach, nausea or stomach pains. Unless your doctor specifies you should take them on an empty stomach, you should always take them with food. Medications that cause you further upset should be taken on a full stomach and not just crackers or a piece of toast.
  5. 5
    Document your symptoms if they persist. Write down what foods you ate including snacks, beverages, other medications taken that day, vitamins and stressing events you partake in. You may then be able to determine the cause.
  6. 6
    Eat a cough drop. The drop will calm down the ache and make you relax.
  7. 7
    Try putting on a warm rag, or heating a sock filled with rice in a microwave for one minute then put it on your stomach and relax.
  8. 8
    Sit around to take your mind off the pain.
  9. 9
    You may be hungry or dehydrated so have some food or some water.

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Edit Video

This video shows you some old-time remedies and things you can do around your house to soothe an upset stomach.

Edit Tips

  • Get as much rest as you can.
  • Relax. Kick back, watch some TV, and drink some Sierra Mist or 7-Up. Carbonated beverages are a big help when it comes to stomach aches.
  • Lay down with your legs rested higher than your chest and rub your belly. Piling pillows and resting your legs on them is comfortable and will settle your stomach.
  • Eat some plain crackers. They soak up some of the acid in your stomach!
  • Try the BRAT diet: B=bananas, R=rice, A=apples or applesauce, T=toast (plain)
  • Try drinking 14 ounces of pure coconut water on an empty stomach. Do this two times a day. You should have relief within an hour or so.
  • If your stomach ache is caused by spicy foods, then consuming milk sometimes will help alleviate the pain.
  • Take an antacid like milk of magnesia
  • Drink lots of water
  • Lie down on your stomach and place a pillow under your stomach. It works!
  • If you are sensitive to spicy foods, take medication such as Pepto Bismol before and after you eat.
  • Think about what you eat before you eat it. Food is the cause of many stomach aches.

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Edit Warnings

  • If the pain is in the lower-right part of your stomach, call a doctor or go to the emergency room IMMEDIATELY. This could be appendicitis, which means that you will have to have your appendix removed quickly.
  • Don't starve yourself to "make it go away", chances are it'll get worse.
  • If you have bad heartburn as well, mint could irritate.
  • Stomach pain may be a symptom of a serious medical condition like food poisoning or allergies. If you experience fever, severe nausea, or sweating, seek medical help. Seek medical attention if the stomach pain persists for a long time, or if it's severe, of course.
  • Prolonged or frequent cramps, especially associated with loose stools or diarrhea may indicate a serious medical condition.
  • Diarrhea associated with stomach cramps may cause dehydration, which can lead to shock or even death. Drink an electrolyte solution like Pedialyte, or a clear, low carbohydrate sports drink frequently if you experience diarrhea for an extended period of time.
  • If you have significant pain in the lower right part of your abdomen, perhaps with nausea, loss of appetite, and/or fever, go to the hospital. It might be appendicitis.
  • If the pain is severe, immediately go see a doctor.
  • Having too much vitamin C will cause a stomach ache.
  • If you have a stomach ache at school, go to the nurse and lay down, ask for some crackers, and drink warm water.
  • Do not laugh when your tummy hurts. It will make it worse!
  • Don't drink anything with carbonation if the problem is gas because you're trying to get air out, not put more in.

Headache remedy


Headaches Symptoms | Causes | Remedy | Diet |

More Headaches Treatments | FAQ's | 25 Headaches remedies suggested by our users

A headache is the term used to define any kind of ache or pain that occurs in and around the head, or even in the upper neck. Headaches may occur independently, in the sense that they are unconnected to any health condition or disease, or they may at times occur as a symptom of some disease. All of us experience headaches at some point or the other and it is in fact one of the most common complaints and also the most widely treated with home remedies and pharmaceutical headache treatments. Although headaches may in most cases be unconnected to specific ailments or health conditions they are often like a warning system from our body that something is not right. In most cases it is stress, lack of sleep, and other such circumstances that trigger this response. For example, if you haven’t had adequate sleep for a few nights in a row you would most likely experience headaches. Headaches may not necessarily be trigger by psychological factors such as emotional distress, stress and so on, but could also be triggered by physical stress and exhaustion.

Headache Picture

There are various types of headaches, with an even greater variety of causes, but the most commonly occurring types of headaches are tension headaches. There are probably none among us who have escaped this type of headache. The severity may vary greatly and so will the duration, depending on the trigger, the tension headache treatment provided and other factors. Tension headaches generally occur due to causes like neck pain, stress, anxiety, depression and also because of muscle tightness or tension in the shoulders, jaws and scalp. Tension headaches are most likely to affect you if you work excessively, if your social relationships are strained, if you follow irregular eating and sleeping patterns, or consume excessive amounts of alcohol. As with any other condition the only effective treatment would be to eliminate the cause and provide relief. Tension headache treatment with over the counter medications that simply provide relief will only offer a temporary solution, and you will be plagued by the problem increasingly frequently.

Apart from tension or stress headaches there are some other types of headaches that are quite common. Sinus headaches and migraines are probably the next most common types, although migraines cannot really be classified as headaches as this would be an over simplification. Migraines are a lot more severe, and the experience of a migraine is not comparable to the normal headache. Sinus headaches, which are the other common phenomenon, are triggered due to blockages of the sinus passages that create a buildup of pressure and also due to infections of the sinus like sinusitis. Cluster headaches are another type of headache that is not uncommon. Headaches in children are again not something out of the ordinary and could have similar causes, but if persistent, severe or unresponsive to treatment should be given medical attention promptly. Under normal circumstances however mild natural headache treatments should suffice for headaches in children. When dealing with headaches in children always check the forehead in case of a fever and seek medical advice promptly if there is any vomiting.

Headache treatment no matter what the cause or type of headache can however best be remedied through simple lifestyle changes and relaxation. If you have persistent headaches that do not respond to treatment, make sure you consult your health care provider. A sudden onset of severe or recurrent headaches could also be indicative of some serious health disorder, or if accompanied by other symptoms like nausea, stiff neck, disorientation, fever or ear and eye pain. Headaches that occur following trauma to the head should also receive medical attention.

Chronic headaches should always be treated seriously, particularly in children as chronic headaches would have some underlying causes that may be serious and treatment should be directed towards these causes, not simply for relief.

Natural Headache Cures and Headache Remedies

Headache cures are the most sought after remedies as it is one of the most common ailment people suffer from. Headaches afflict almost everyone at some time or the other. Most headaches are functional, being caused by temporary upsets, and are not related to any organic changes in the brain. They are often natures warning that something is wrong somewhere in the body. The actual pain, however, arises from irritation to nerve endings in the shoulder, neck, and scalp muscles, and also in the smooth muscles encircling the blood vessels which severe these areas. Migraine headaches in an acute condition suffered by some patients and we have listed some useful information for them also.

Symptoms of Headache

Headache Symptoms

Tension or stress headaches usually cause pain that diffuses and is not concentrated in one identifiable spot. There is also likely to be tenderness in the surrounding areas and muscles. Here are some of the common symptoms associated with tension headaches.

Tension headaches tend to cause mild to moderate intensity pain.

Typically headaches like these do not develop suddenly, but there is a gradual build up of pain. There is however no warning or prodrome prior to the actual onset of the headache.

The pain could radiate from one side of the head or it may be present on both sides. It could cause an aching and squeezing sensation in the forehead or temples, or towards the back of the head. Headaches occurring towards the back of the head will generally radiate down towards the neck and the shoulders. There is a general feeling of tightness around the head.

The pain from a headache is usually constant, although there may fluctuations in the severity.

Tension headaches are usually not intensified with physical activity, nor is there any association with nausea or vomiting.

In some cases there may a slightly increased sensitivity to visual and audio stimuli.

You are also likely to experience a sensation of pressure behind the eyes.

Headaches of this type often come on during the day and progressively worsen, lasting for a few hours.

Cluster headaches are characterized by excruciating pain that may be localized around one eye, producing a stabbing sensation. Tearing and nasal congestion are also likely to occur on the same side as the affected eye. Cluster headaches may just last for a quarter of an hour or for as long as four hours. There is also a high possibility of them recurring through the day. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption is likely to influence or trigger cluster headaches.

Migraines on the other hand cause an intense throbbing pain that may be felt on just one or both sides of the head. The pain from a migraine generally is accompanied by other symptoms like nausea and vomiting. Blurring of vision is another common symptom of headaches in a migraine attack. Light, sound and movement can cause the symptoms to be severely aggravated. Migraines may be brought on by specific triggers like red wine, chocolate, cheese, heat or other factors, often not easy to identify. For many women menstrual cycles may influence the pattern of migraines and they can also be brought on because of the influence of oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy.

Causes of Headache

Headaches Symptoms, Causes, Remedy and Diet

Allergies, Stress, Eye Strain

The common causes of headaches are allergy, emotional stress, eye strain, high blood pressure, a hangover, infection, low blood sugar, nutritional deficiency, tension, and the presence of poisons and toxins in the body. Allergies are often the unsuspected cause of headaches. The foods to which some people are allergic and which can trigger headaches are milk and milk products, chocolate, chicken, liver, alcohol and strong cheese. Sneezing and diarrhoea are further indications of an allergy.

Headache Cures and Remedies

Headaches home remedies and natural cures, Questions and answers

Natural Headache Cure using Lemon

There are several natural remedies for various types or headaches. The juice of three or four slices of lemon should be squeezed in a cup of tea and taken by the patient for treating this condition. It gives immediate relief. The crust of lemon, which is generally thrown away, has been found useful in headaches caused by heat. Lemon crusts should be pounded into a fine paste in a mortar and applied as plaster on the forehead. Applying the yellow, freshly pared-off rind of a lemon to each temple will also give relief.

Cure Headaches Naturally using Apple

Apples are valuable in curing all types of headaches. After removing the upper rind and the inner hard portion of a ripe apple, it should be taken with a little salt every morning on an empty stomach in such cases. This should be continued for about a week.

Natural Headache Remedy using Henna

The flowers of henna have been found valuable in curing headaches caused by hot sun. The flowers should be rubbed in vinegar and applied over the forehead. This remedy will soon provide relief.

Headache Remedy using Cinnamon

Cinnamon is useful in headaches caused by exposure to cold air. A fine paste of this spice should be prepared by mixing it with water and it should be applied over the temples and forehead to obtain relief.

Headache Treatment using Marjoram

The herb marjoram is beneficial in the treatment of a nervous headache. An infusion of the leaves is taken as a tea in the treatment of this disorder.

Headache Treatment using Rosemary

The herb rosemary has been found valuable in headaches resulting from cold. A handful of this herb should be boiled in a litre of water and put in a mug. The head should be covered with a towel and the steam inhaled for as long as the patient can bear. This should be repeated till the headache is relieved.

Diet for Headaches

Headaches : Home Remedies suggested by users

Proper Nutrition, Excercise, Positive Thinking

The best way to prevent headaches is to build up physical resistance through proper nutrition, physical exercise and positive thinking. As a first step, the patient should undertake a short fast, and take citrus fruit juices diluted with water every two hours from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. daily. Thereafter, he should plan his diet in such a way as to put the least possible strain on the digestion. Breakfast may consist of fruits, both fresh and dried. Lunch may consist of protein foods. Starchy foods such as wholewheat bread, cereals, rice, or potatoes should be taken at dinner along with raw salads. Spices, condiments, sour buttermilk, and oily foodstuffs should be avoided. Drinking a glass of water (warm water in winter and cool water in summer), mixed with a teaspoon of honey first thing in the morning, is also a good remedy. Copious drinking of water throughout the day is also advised.

Other Headache Remedies

Water Treatment

Other helpful measures in the treatment of headaches are a cleansing enema with water temperature at 37 degree C, a cold throat pack, frequent applications of towels wrung out from very hot water to the back of the neck , a cold compress at 4.4 degree C to 15.6 degree C applied to the head and face, or an alternate spinal compress. Hot fomentations over the abdominal region just before retiring relieve headaches caused by stomach and liver upsets.

Hot Foot Bath

Hot foot baths are also beneficial in the treatment of chronic headaches. The patient should keep his legs in a tub or bucket filled with hot water at a temperature of 40 degree C to 45 degree C for fifteen minutes every night before retiring. This treatment should be continued for two or three weeks.


Yogic kriyas like jalneti and kunjal; pranayamas like anulomaviloma, shitali and sitkari; and asanas such as uttanpadasana, sarvangasana, paschimottanasana, halasana, and shavasana are also beneficial in the treatment of headaches.

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25 Headaches remedies suggested by our users Go to Top Top

Cayenne and Feverfew

suggested by cynthia on Thursday, January 15, 2009

Try taking Cayenne and Feverfew everyday. This will prevent headaches.

Instant Headache Cure

suggested by Laura on Thursday, May 29, 2008

Try drinking four 8 oz glasses of water. (4 glasses - it doesn't have to be exact) The most common cause of headache is dehydration. A headache is your body's way (a warning sign if you will) of letting you know that there is something wrong with’re dehydrated. If you are not sure weather you are dehydrated or not, just have a look at the colour of your urine next time you have to go. If it is a dark yellowish color that is a good indicator of dehydration. This will cleanse your body as well and the best way to prevent problems with your kidneys and bladder. The more these systems are used (exercised) the better they will work. Most people don't drink enough water. 4-6 8oz glasses of water every day. A word of caution some medications do cause urine to become a darker colour. There is one side effect from drinking too much water-having to visit the bathroom more often. Oh well good way to catch up on some of your reading. This will provide you instant relief. No need to wait for the medication to work anymore. Hard to believe such a simple solution but it works!

peppermint cures headache

suggested by tammy on Friday, April 4, 2008

10 drops of essential peppermint oil 10 drops of wintergreen alcohol or if need more equal parts of each. It works miracles.......try it.

warm compress

suggested by jenn on Monday, March 10, 2008

Take a wash cloth and get it wet with warm water and put it on your head wherever the pain is. This also works with a rice bag, corn bag etc.. but with those you heat them up in the microwave.
