Have a Heart. If all major forms of cardiovascular disease were eliminated, human life expectance would increase by 9.78 years.
SOURCE: National Center for Health Statistics
Pillow Talk. A new survey of pillow primping practices indicates that 23% of people consider themselves stackers; 20% plumpers; 16% are rollers; 16% cuddlers; while the reminder are smashers and crunchers.
SOURCE: Survey by DuPont Co.
TB or Not TB? Treatment-resistant tuberculosis has been reported in 42 states and Washington, D.C., up from 13 states during the tuberculosis epidemic of the late 1980s and early 1990s.
SOURCE: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
DID YOU KNOW? The world record for passing gas was set on Japanese television, 3,000 times in a row
SOURCE: Grossology: The science of Really Gross Things
DID YOU KNOW? The typical American child watches 1,680 minutes of television per week (about two months a year). The same youth spends 38 minutes a week in meaningful conversation with his or her parents.
SOURCE: A.C. Nielson Co.
DID YOU KNOW? . . . that a cricket's ears are on its knees? That a fly has tastebuds on its feet. SOURCE: Nature Museum of the Chicago Academy of Sciences
DID YOU KNOW? Mexico City is sinking at a rate of 18 inches per year as a result of draining the water table for human consumption.
SOURCE: National Water Commission
DID YOU KNOW? The aqualung, a device for breathing under water was invented by Jacques Cousteau and Emile Gagnan of the French Navy in 1943 so that "frogmen" could put mines under enemy ships.
STRANGE BUT TRUE-- In 1994, scientists in Australia invented a way of removing fleece from sheep without shearing. They injected the sheep with a special hormone, then wrapped them in lightweight hairnets. Three weeks later, the fleece could be peeled off the sheep by hand.
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