
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Proper way of cutting toenails

Proper Way to Cut and File Toenails

Most people find foot care a bothersome task that they would rather not have to perform. However, proper foot care helps to ensure healthy skin and nails. It is important to know the correct way to cut as well as file the toenails. If improperly cut, a toenail can become an ingrown toenail and eventually become infected if the ingrown piece of nail is not removed correctly.

Some very basic instructions to follow when cutting and filing the toenails are as follows:

• Before beginning the process of cutting the toenails, one should soak the toenails in warm, soapy water for about twenty minutes followed by a thorough rinsing and drying. This will soften the nails and allow for easier cutting and less splitting and breaking of the nails.

• If soaking is not an option, some type of moisturizing cream can be applied to the nails to help soften and condition them before cutting. The cream will need to be thickly applied and should stay on the nails for at least twenty minutes. Use a clean and dry towel to remove any excess cream from the nails before beginning the cutting process.

• One should start by cutting the nail straight across with a nail clipper. First cut one half of the nail either the right or the left and then follow by cutting the other half. Never cut part of the nail off and then proceed to pull the remaining part off as this will cause crooked toenails. Once cutting is completed, every toenail will slightly peak in the center.

• Filing of the nails can now begin. Start with filing the peak down with a nail file and follow with filing the corners of the toenails. This should be done to each nail until all ten nails have received proper filing.

• Filing will leave a fine dust on the toes and feet. First, brush the dust off and gently wash feet with warm water to get rid of any excess dust. Dry feet thoroughly and be sure to also dry between each toe as well.

• Finally, moisturization is an important part of nail care. Simply rub a small amount of some type of oil or lotion on every toenail and the surrounding skin of the toes. This helps to keep the nail soft and prevent cracking and chipping.

Some Basic Tips
There are some very basic things that individuals can do to help in keeping their toenails healthy and appealing to the eye. Some suggestions may work for one individual and not for another as each is different and being consistent and staying dedicated to delivering proper foot and nail care is an option for all. Basic tips for added care are as listed:

• Select a nail clipper that is designed to cut straight across to help in the prevention of ingrown toenails.

• Clean nail clippers before and after each use to prevent the possibility of a fungal infection of the nails.

• When cutting the nails, avoid making any sharp points on the nail that would possibly cut into the skin and cause an infection.

• Never file the nails immediately after being in water such as after a shower or following a swim in the pool as the nails may split due to weakness.

• Each day use some sort of oil or cream on toenails to aid in keeping moisture locked in. This will help in the prevention of splitting as well as flaking. Olive oil found in most kitchens can also be used with wonderful results.

Ingrown Toenail
If you trim your toenails too short, particularly on the sides of your big toes, you may set the stage for an ingrown toenail. Like many people, when you trim your toenails, you may taper the corners so that the nail curves with the shape of your toe. But this technique may encourage your toenail to grow into the skin of your toe. The sides of the nail curl down and dig into your skin. An ingrown toenail may also happen if you wear shoes that are too tight or too short.
An Ingrown toenail.

When you first have an ingrown toenail, it may be hard, swollen and tender. Later, it may get red and infected, and feel very sore. Ingrown toenails are a common, painful condition—particularly among teenagers. Any of your toenails can become ingrown, but the problem more often affects the big toe. An ingrown nail occurs when the skin on one or both sides of a nail grows over the edges of the nail, or when the nail itself grows into the skin. Redness, pain and swelling at the corner of the nail may result and infection may soon follow. Sometimes a small amount of pus can be seen draining from the area.

Ingrown nails may develop for many reasons. Some cases are congenital—the nail is just too large for the toe. Trauma, such as stubbing the toe or having the toe stepped on, may also cause an ingrown nail. However, the most common cause is tight shoe wear or improper grooming and trimming of the nail.

The anatomy of a toenail.


Nonsurgical Treatment

Ingrown toenails should be treated as soon as they are recognized. If they are recognized early (before infection sets in), home care may prevent the need for further treatment:

  • Soak the foot in warm water 3-4 times daily.
  • Keep the foot dry during the rest of the day.
  • Wear comfortable shoes with adequate room for the toes. Consider wearing sandals until the condition clears up.
  • You may take ibuprofen or acetaminophen for pain relief.
  • If there is no improvement in 2-3 days, or if the condition worsens, call your doctor.

You may need to gently lift the edge of the ingrown toenail from its embedded position and insert some cotton or waxed dental floss between the nail and your skin. Change this packing every day.

Surgical Treatment

If excessive inflammation, swelling, pain and discharge are present, the toenail is probably infected and should be treated by a physician (see left image below). You may need to take oral antibiotics and the nail may need to be partially or completely removed (see middle image below). The doctor can surgically remove a portion of the nail, a portion of the underlying nail bed, some of the adjacent soft tissues and even a part of the growth center (see right image below).

Infected nail
Partially removed
Toenail surgery

Surgery is effective in eliminating the nail edge from growing inward and cutting into the fleshy folds as the toenail grows forward. Permanent removal of the nail may be advised for children with chronic, recurrent infected ingrown toenails.

If you are in a lot of pain and/or the infection keeps coming back, your doctor may remove part of your ingrown toenail (partial nail avulsion). Your toe is injected with an anesthetic and your doctor uses scissors to cut away the ingrown part of the toenail, taking care not to disturb the nail bed. An exposed nail bed may be very painful. Removing your whole ingrown toenail (complete nail plate avulsion) increases the likelihood your toenail will come back deformed. It may take 3-4 months for your nail to regrow.

Risk Factors

Unless the problem is congenital, the best way to prevent ingrown toenails is to protect the feet from trauma and to wear shoes and hosiery (socks) with adequate room for the toes. Nails should be cut straight across with a clean, sharp nail trimmer without tapering or rounding the corners. Trim the nails no shorter than the edge of the toe. Keep the feet clean and dry at all times.

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