Senior Citizens, Liability or Asset
Last Friday in the single period of Social Studies, my class 4B had a debate whether Senior Citizens are a Liability or an Asset to Singapore. In this rather heated debate where opposing teams ended up shouting across the classroom after the end of lessons and some rather unhappy faces too. LOL
The Class was divided into 2, Assets or Liability before further sub-divisions where we have 2 sub-groups supporting a point. My group, being the unlucky one was selected to support that Senior Citizens are an Asset to Singapore.
The points raised by the Liability group were pretty much expected,well, at least they were pretty much expected by me so i wont be blogging on their points. But i think the Assets part raised up some points what i wasn't expecting.
- Senior Citizens train younger workers and impart skills.
exp. - Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew
I cannot remember the points we brought up already, but i do remember a few of my rebuttals to the opposing team's points.
Point - Old People cant fight , therefore useless in army as they cant defend singapore.
Rebuttal - Generals and high ranking officers who make the decisions in times of war are mostly in their 60s.
Point - Old people are useless because young people can be trained to be a professional and do not need Senior Citizens.
Rebuttal - Who will train them ? xD
Still, i find that some of the rebuttals and the points that the ASSET people make are not exactly addressing the Senior Citizens because trainers and senior of the company are mostly made up of Senior Workers, workers aged 40 plus, NOT 60 70 ! xD
I was there thinking, if the LIABILITY team exploited this loop hole in our argument, well, i am not able to think of a rebuttal already xD Because to me, its true that OLD PEOPLE are a Liability.
But it would be cruel and harmful to the country in the long run if they treated old people badly because then the younger and current workforce will think " Why do i need to work so hard for, in the end when i grow old, the country is also going to treat me like sh*t".
And that would be a mortal blow to the countries economy and workforce, also, it wold be against human moral to do such a thing. I would definitely feel bad when i am forced to treat the people who helped me previously badly.
Posted by .:Thelinuxboi: at 7:39:00 PM 1 comments:
jacjac® said...
Haha... i think snr citizens are both a liability and an asset. Just like when you are young, you are a liability to your parents. When you grow up, your parents become a liability. The cycle goes on.. this debate is kinda pointless though. It's more on moral values.
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